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New Publication
by Jörg Wichmann:

also as E-Book


Wondrous Order, Michal Yakir
Narayana  Publ.
all relevant Homeopathy books


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you are here: animals | Vertebrates


    a) Tunicata
                 (Sea squirts)
     b) Acrania

    c) Vertebrata – Vertebrates


The systematics of the vertebrates will be given in full extent down to the level of orders to enable a clear overview. Families are only mentioned when they contain a remedy. Please go to the different classes with a click.
Of the Phylum of Chordata only the Vertebrates are really of concern for homeopathy. The others are primeval, small sea creatures and only mentioned to be complete.


Vertebrata – Vertebrates


Pisces –  Fishes

Amphibia – Amphibians

Reptilia – Reptiles

Aves –  Birds

Mammalia – Mammals