However we have linked all provings of Hahnemann from his Pure Materia medica and his Chronic Diseases completely and we are working to make a large amount of more older provings accessible. With our complex search engine you have the possibility to decide yourself, which provings from which aera of homeopathy you wish to see.
Principally we only mention those provings that have been published and of which we can give a precise source. All the others we keep waiting in our database until they are accessable. (There are more than 200 proving where we have no access to the source.)
There are more than 100 homeopathic remedy provings that are hosted on this website and that have been given to us for this reason. All of these you can also view fully outside the chargeable part of this website. Please click here.
We invite all who have conducted a homeopathic remedy proving - or who know of one - to present their material to the public. Please just send us your file as a mail attachement, and we put it into the web directly. Please remember to mention the year of the proving, the method applied and the manufacturer of the remedy.
Only a published proving helps our patients!
For those who are visiting this website often and only want to see new additions since their last visit, we have implemented the publication date on our website into the expanded search. So you can just put in the date of your last visit to see what was added after that.
The date of the installation of this new web database was the 1.8.08