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1st - 3rd October 2021



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Silene chalcedonica

SubstanCe Abbreviation Systematics
Silene chalcedonica
Flower of Bristol
Sile-c Caryophyllaceae

Jerusalem Cross, Maltese Cross, Lychnis chalcedonica,


Resources  (underlined names are direct links)

Remedia Homöopathie, Freeman´s

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Plantae - Plants Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants Magnoliopsida / Dicotyledonae - Dicots Caryophyllidae Caryophyllales Caryophyllaceae - Pink Family
Silene chalcedonica (Sile-c)
Flower of Bristol

More substances of this family:
Count: 57

Agrostemma githago
Corn Cockle
Agro Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria grandiflora
Aren-g Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria montana
Mountain Sandwort
Aren-m Caryophyllaceae
Bufonia perennis
Bufon-p Caryophyllaceae
Cerastium boissierianum
Cerast-b Caryophyllaceae
Corrigiola litoralis
Corrig-l Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus alpinus
Alpine Carnations
Dianth-a Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus armeria
Deptford pink
Dianth-ar Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus barbatus
Dianth-b Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus caryophyllus
Dianth-c Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus chinensis
China pink
Dianth-ch Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus imereticus
Dianth-i Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus japonicus
Dianth-j Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus knappii
Dianth-k Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus superbus
Fringed Pink
Dianth-s Caryophyllaceae
Eremogone capillaris
Erem-c Caryophyllaceae
Eremogone dianthoides
Erem-d Caryophyllaceae
Eremogone procera
Erem-p Caryophyllaceae
Gypsophila cerastoides
Chickweed baby's-breath
Gypso-c Caryophyllaceae
Gypsophila pacifica
Gypso-pa Caryophyllaceae
Gypsophila paniculata
Baby's Breath
Gypso-p Caryophyllaceae
Herniaria glabra
Glabrous Rupturewort
Hern-g Caryophyllaceae
Lychnis cognata
Lychn-c Caryophyllaceae
Minuartia circassica
Species of Sandwort
Minu-c Caryophyllaceae
Minuartia imbricata
Minu-i Caryophyllaceae
Paronychia canariensis
Smooth-forked nailwort
Paron-c Caryophyllaceae
Paronychia illecebrum
Sanguinaria of Cuba
Paro-i Caryophyllaceae
Petrorhagia dubia
Hairy pink
Petror-d Caryophyllaceae
Petrorhagia illyrica
Petror-i Caryophyllaceae
Petrorhagia saxifraga
Petror-s Caryophyllaceae
Sagina subulata
Heath Pearlwort
Sagin-s Caryophyllaceae
Saponaria officinalis
Soap Root
Sapo Caryophyllaceae
Saponaria pumilio
Sapo-p Caryophyllaceae
Sapin Caryophyllaceae
Scleranthus annuus
Scler-a Caryophyllaceae
Silene alba
White Campion
Sile-a Caryophyllaceae
Silene andryalifolia
Sile-an Caryophyllaceae
Silene baccifera
Sile-b Caryophyllaceae
Silene colorata
Sile-cl Caryophyllaceae
Silene compacta
Sile-cp Caryophyllaceae
Silene coronaria
Bloody William
Sile-co Caryophyllaceae
Silene davidii
Sile-d Caryophyllaceae
Silene dioica
Sile-di Caryophyllaceae
Silene laciniata
Fringed Indian pink
Sile-la Caryophyllaceae
Silene multifida
Fringed campion
Sile-m Caryophyllaceae
Silene pusilla
Sile-p Caryophyllaceae
Silene tomentosa
Gibraltar campion
Sile-t Caryophyllaceae
Silene undulata
African Dream Root
Sile-u Caryophyllaceae
Silene uniflora
Sea campion
Sile-un Caryophyllaceae
Silene viscaria
Sticky catchfly
Sile-vi Caryophyllaceae
Silene vulgaris
Sile-v Caryophyllaceae
Spergularia rubra
Red Sandwort
Sperg-r Caryophyllaceae
Stellaria holostea
Greater stitchwort
Stell-h Caryophyllaceae
Stellaria media
Star Chickweed
Stel Caryophyllaceae
Syzygium aromaticum /Oleum Syzygii
Clove oil
Caryo-ol Caryophyllaceae
Telephium imperati
Tetep-i Caryophyllaceae
Vaccaria hispanica
Vacca-h Caryophyllaceae

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