Mineralia -> Anorganica -> Elementa et Composita -> 1. Ordo principalis -> Lithium -> Lithium phosphoricum
SubstanCe | Abbreviation | Systematics |
Lithium phosphoricum Lithium Phosphate |
Lith-p | Lithium Phosphorus |
Remedia Homöopathie, Helios, Ainsworths, Homeocur | ||
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Mineralia - Minerals Anorganica - Inorganic Compounds Elementa et Composita - Compounds and Elements 1. Ordo principalis - I. Main Group - Alkalis Lithium - LithiumLithium phosphoricum (Lith-p)
Lithium Phosphate
More substances of this family:
Count: 19
explanationInterhomeopathy 01/2006: Makewell, Ai-Ling, direct link to the article in Interhomeopathy 

Interhomeopathy 12/2011: Scholten, Jan / Leupen, Alex, direct link to the article in Interhomeopathy 

Vorträge und Seminare zu Lithium phosphoricum
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