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Avena sativa

SubstanCe Abbreviation Systematics
Avena sativa
Common Oats
Aven Gramineae/ Poaceae

dt.: Haferstroh, Saathafer, Haber, engl.: Oatstraw


Resources  (underlined names are direct links)

Helios, Remedia Homöopathie, Gudjons, Freeman´s, DHU, Zinsser, Ainsworths, Schmidt-Nagel, Spagyros

Please take notice of our explanation regarding substances under the heading "Substances Introduction" in the menu on the left side.

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Arzneimittelprüfungen ausblenden provings

Bradford, T.L. (collector)


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Publishing year

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH)


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Publishing year

Hide taxonomy Taxonomy

Plantae - Plants Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants Liliopsida / Monocotyledonae - Monocots Commelinidae Poales - Grasses Gramineae/ Poaceae - Grass Family
Avena sativa (Aven)
Common Oats

More substances of this family:
Count: 95

Agropyron repens / Triticum repens
Tritic Gramineae/ Poaceae
Agrostis alba
Agros Gramineae/ Poaceae
Agrostis capillaris
Agros-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Agrostis gigantea
Agros-g Gramineae/ Poaceae
Alopecurus pratensis
Meadow Foxtail
Alop-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Ammophila arenaria
European marram grass
Ammop-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Ampelodesmos mauritanicus
Mauritania grass
Arund Gramineae/ Poaceae
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Sweet Vernal Grass
Antho Gramineae/ Poaceae
Anthoxanthum odoratum/ Pollen Anthoxanthi
Sweet Vernal Grass Pollen
Antho-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Arrhenatherum elatius
False oat-grass
Arrhe-e Gramineae/ Poaceae
Arundo donax
Giant Cane
Arund-d Gramineae/ Poaceae
Avena sativa/ Pollen Avenae
Common Oats Pollen
Aven-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Bambusa arundinacea
Giant Thorney Bamboo
Bamb-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Bouteloua aristidoides
Needle Grama
Bout-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Bouteloua gracilis
Blue grama grass
Bout-g Gramineae/ Poaceae
Brachypodium pinnatum
Heath false brome
Brachyp-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Bromus ramosus
Wild Oat
Bromu Gramineae/ Poaceae
Calamagrostis emodensis
Calam-e Gramineae/ Poaceae
Chrysopogon zizanioides / (Anantherum muricatum)
Anan Gramineae/ Poaceae
Coix lacryma-jobi
Coix-l Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cymbopogon citratus
Cymbo-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cymbopogon citratus/ Oleum citronellae
Citronella oil
Cymbo-c-ol Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cymbopogon martini
Cymbo-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cymbopogon schoenanthus
Camel grass
Cymbo-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cynodon dactylon
Cyn-d Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cynosurus cristatus
Crested dog's-tail
Cynos-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Dactylis glomerata
Cocks Foot
Dactyl-g Gramineae/ Poaceae
Dactylis glomerata /Pollen dactylis
Cocks Foot Pollen
Dactyl-g-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Deschampsia antarctica
Antarctic Hairgrass
Desch-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Deschampsia cespitosa
Tufted hairgrass
Desch-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Eragrostis tef
Abyssinian lovegrass
Erag-t Gramineae/ Poaceae
Farina maydis
Fari-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Festuca flavescens
Festu-f Gramineae/ Poaceae
Festuca pratensis
Meadow fescue
Festu-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Festuca rubra
Red fescue
Festu-r Gramineae/ Poaceae
Gliad Gramineae/ Poaceae
Wheat gluten
Glut Gramineae/ Poaceae
Substantia alia plantae
Helictotrichon planiculme
Gramineae/ Poaceae
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Blue oat grass
Helic-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Hierochloe odorata
Sweet grass
Hieroc-o Gramineae/ Poaceae
Holcus lanatus
Holcu-l Gramineae/ Poaceae
Holcus lanatus /Pollen holci
Yorkshire-fog pollen
Holcu-l-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Hordin Gramineae/ Poaceae
Hordeum vulgare
Hord-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Hordeum vulgare/ Pollen Hordei
Barley Pollen
Hord-v-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Jarava ichu
Peruvian feathergrass
Jara-i Gramineae/ Poaceae
Koeleria pyramidata
Koel-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Koeleria vallesiana
Somerset hair grass
Koel-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lagurus ovatus
Lagur-o Gramineae/ Poaceae
Leymus arenarius
Sand ryegrass
Leym-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lolium multiflorum
Italian rye-grass
Lol-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lolium temulentum
Bearded Darnel
Lol Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lolium temulentum/ Pollen Lolii
Bearded Darnel Pollen
Lol-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lygeum spartum
Lyge-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Melica uniflora
Wood melick
Melic-u Gramineae/ Poaceae
Miscanthus sinensis
Chinese silver grass
Miscan-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Molinia caerulea
Purple Moor Grass
Molin-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Oryza sativa
Oryz-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Panicum virgatum
Pani-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Panis tritici albi
White bread
Pani-t-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
other industrial products
Pennisetum orientale
Tall Tails
Penni-o Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phaenosperma globosum
Phaen-g Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phalaris arundinacea
Reed canary grass
Phala-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phleum pratense
Timothy grass
Phle Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phleum pratense/ Pollen Phlei
Timothy grass pollen
Phle-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phragmites vulgaris
Common reed
Phragm-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens
Greenwax golden bamboo
Phyllo-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Poa annua
Annual meadow grass
Poa-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Poa palustris
Poa-pa Gramineae/ Poaceae
Poa pratensis
Kentucky bluegrass
Poa-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Saccharum album /raffinatum sacchari
Sac-alb Gramineae/ Poaceae
other industrial products
Saccharum officinarum
Sac-off Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sasa kurilensis
Kuril bamboo
Sasa-k Gramineae/ Poaceae
Secale cereale
Sec-ce Gramineae/ Poaceae
Secale cereale/ Pollen Secalis
Rye pollen
Sec-ce-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sesleria autumnalis
Sesl-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sesleria coerulans
Sesl-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sorghum bicolor
Sorgh-b Gramineae/ Poaceae
Spodiopogon sibiricus
Spodi-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sporobolus heterolepis
Spondo-h Gramineae/ Poaceae
Stipa pennata
European feather grass
Stip-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Trisetum flavescens
Golden oat grass
Trise-f Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum
Trit-ae Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum/ Cortex grani tritici
Wheat bran
Trit-ae-cg Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum/ Farina alba tritici
White wheat flour
Trit-ae-fa Gramineae/ Poaceae
other industrial products
Triticum aestivum/ Farina tritici
Wheat flour
Trit-ae-f Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum/ Oleum grani tritici
Wheat grain oil
Trit-ae-ol Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum/ Pollen Tritici
Wheat Pollen
Trit-ae-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum dicoccoides
Wild Emmer Wheat
Trit-d Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum durum
Durum wheat
Trit-du Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum spelta
Trit-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Zea mays pabuli
Fodder Maize
Zea-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Zea mays/ Pollen maydis
Maize Pollen
Zea-m-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Zea mays/ Stigmata maydis
Zea-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Zizania palustris
Northern Wild Rice
Ziza-p Gramineae/ Poaceae

Hide bibliography Bibliography

AHZ 1/06, S.15: Kruse, Sigrid
AHZ 6/08, S.285: Hadulla, Michael M.
Götter Zauber und Arznei, S.607: GAWLIK W