Plantae -> Magnoliophyta -> Magnoliopsida / Dicotyledonae -> Asteridae -> Dipsacales -> Viburnaceae -> Viburnum opulus
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Viburnum opulus Schneeball Snowball Tree |
Vib | Viburnaceae |
V. lobatum, Opulus vulgaris, dt.: Wasser-Schneeball, engl.: Water Elder, High Cranberry, Cramp Bark, Marsh Elder
all | ||
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Allen, H.C.

Viburnum opulus - A Fragmentary Proving; by H. C. Allen, Ann Arbor. from The Homeopathic Physician. Vol. 1 page 101 March 1881
Hughes, Richard (Editor)

This is part of "A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis" by R.Hughes, 1886-90, which tried to collect all provings done until that date in full text. Hughes was the collector, the proving authors of course were many different ones.
Bradford, T.L. (collector)

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Taxonomische Zuordnung
Plantae - Pflanzen Magnoliophyta - Blütenpflanzen Magnoliopsida / Dicotyledonae - Zweikeimblättrige Asteridae Dipsacales - Kardenartige Viburnaceae - SchneeballgewächseViburnum opulus (Vib)
Schneeball | Snowball Tree
Weitere Substanzen in dieser Familie:
Anzahl: 3
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Viburnum prunifolium Amerikanischer Schneeball Black Haw |
Vib-p | Viburnaceae |
Viburnum prunifolium e cortice Amerikanischer Schneeball Rinde Black Haw bark |
Vib-p-co | Viburnaceae |
Viburnum tinus Laurustinus |
Vib-t | Viburnaceae |
LegendeBitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.733: Stolz-Sedemund, Gabriele 

DH 12, S.164: RICHTER H 

Falldarstellungen ... (Stefanovic, Aleksandar), S.131

HomLinks 1/05, S.9: Lalor, Liz 

HomLinks 2/08, S.96: Creveld, Marijke