Plantae -> Pinophyta / Coniferophyta -> Coniferopsida -> Coniferales -> Pinaceae -> Pseudotsuga menziesii
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglasie Douglas Fir Tree |
Pseuts-m | Pinaceae |
dt.: Douglastanne, -fichte, Grüne Douglasie
Dolisos, Remedia Homöopathie, Freeman´s, Helios, Homeocur | ||
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Taxonomische Zuordnung
Plantae - Pflanzen Pinophyta / Coniferophyta - Nadelgehölze Coniferopsida - Kiefernähnliche Coniferales - Kiefernartige Pinaceae - KieferngewächsePseudotsuga menziesii (Pseuts-m)
Douglasie | Douglas Fir Tree
Weitere Substanzen in dieser Familie:
Anzahl: 30
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Abies alba Weißtanne European silver fir |
Abies-a | Pinaceae |
Abies balsamea Balsam-Tanne Balsam fir |
Abies-bal | Pinaceae |
Abies nigra Amerikanische Schwarzfichte Black Spruce |
Abies-n | Pinaceae |
Cedrus deodara Himalaya-Zeder Himalayan cedar |
Cedr-de | Pinaceae |
Cedrus libani Libanon-Zeder Lebanon cedar |
Cedr-l | Pinaceae |
Colophonium Geigenharz |
Coloph | Pinaceae Substantia alia plantae |
Larix decidua Europäische Lärche Common Larch |
Lar-e | Pinaceae |
Larix decidua /Resina laricis Lärchenharz Larch resin |
Lar-e-re | Pinaceae |
Picea abies Fichte Fir |
Pice-a | Pinaceae |
Picea abies /Piceae pollen Fichtenpollen Fir pollen |
Pice-a-po | Pinaceae |
Pinus aristata Grannen-Kiefer Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine |
Pin-a | Pinaceae |
Pinus cembra Zirbelkiefer Swiss Pine |
Pin-ce | Pinaceae |
Pinus contorta Küsten-Kiefer Lodgepole Pine |
Pin-c | Pinaceae |
Pinus lambertiana Sugar Pine |
Pin-l | Pinaceae |
Pinus longaeva Langlebige Grannen-Kiefer Bristlecone Pine |
Pin-lo | Pinaceae |
Pinus longaeva/ Radix Pini longaevae Wurzel der Langlebigen Grannen-Kiefer Bristlecone Pine Root |
Pin-lo-rad | Pinaceae |
Pinus mugo pumilio Latschenkiefer Dwarf Pine |
Pin-m-p | Pinaceae |
Pinus nigra Schwarzkiefer Austrian Pine |
Pin-n | Pinaceae |
Pinus palustris |
Pin-p | Pinaceae |
Pinus pinaster Grannen-Kiefer Maritime pine resin |
Pin-pin | Pinaceae |
Pinus pinaster /Resina pini Grannen-Kiefern-Harz Maritime pine resin |
Pin-pin-re | Pinaceae |
Pinus pinea Italienische Steinkiefer Stone pine |
Pin-pi | Pinaceae |
Pinus silvestris Kiefer Scotch Pine |
Pin-s | Pinaceae |
Pinus silvestris /Pollen pini Kiefernpollen Scotch Pine Pollen |
Pin-s-po | Pinaceae |
Pix liquida Nadelholzteer Pine Tar |
Pix | Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon Pinaceae |
Pollen pini japonicum Pollen von japanischen Nadelbäumen Pollen of japanese conifers |
Poll-pin-j | Pinaceae |
Terebinthina Terpentin Oil of Turpentine |
Ter | Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon Pinaceae |
Terebinthina laricina Lärchenharz Resin of Larch |
Tere-l | Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon Pinaceae |
Tsuga canadensis / Abies canadensis Schierlingstanne Hemlock Spruce |
Abies-c | Pinaceae |
Tsuga heterophylla Westamerikanische Hemlocktanne Western hemlock |
Tsuga-h | Pinaceae |
LegendeHomLinks 3/99, S.178: OLSEN S 

HomLinks 3/99, S.181: HERON K 

Interhomeopathy 03/2007: Wirtz, Anne, direct link to the article in Interhomeopathy 

Vorträge und Seminare zu Pseudotsuga menziesii
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