Mineralia -> Anorganica -> Elementa et Composita -> 8. Ordo secundarius II -> Palladium -> Palladium
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Palladium Palladium Palladium |
Pall | Palladium |
P.metallicum, Pd
all | ||
![]() |
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Allen, T.F. (collector)

This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Hughes, Richard (Editor)

This is part of "A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis" by R.Hughes, 1886-90, which tried to collect all provings done until that date in full text. Hughes was the collector, the proving authors of course were many different ones.
Bradford, T.L. (collector)

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Taxonomische Zuordnung
Mineralia - Minerale Anorganica - Anorganische Verbindungen Elementa et Composita - Verbindungen und Elemente 8. Ordo secundarius II - VIII. Nebengruppe - Leichte Platinmetalle Palladium - PalladiumPalladium (Pall)
Palladium | Palladium
Weitere Substanzen in dieser Familie:
Anzahl: 8
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Palladium arsenicosum |
Pall-ar | Arsenicum Palladium |
Palladium bromatum Palladiumbromid Palladium (II) Bromide |
Pall-br | Bromium Palladium |
Palladium iodatum Palladium (II) Iodide |
Pall-i | Iodium Palladium |
Palladium muriaticum Palladiumchlorid Palladium(II) Chloride |
Pall-m | Chlorum Palladium |
Palladium nitricum Palladium-II-nitrat Palladium(II) nitrate dihydrate |
Pall-n | Nitrogenium Palladium |
Palladium oxydatum Palladium(II) oxide |
Pall-o | Oxygenium Palladium |
Palladium phosphoricum |
Pall-p | Palladium Phosphorus |
Palladium sulfuricum Palladium-II-sulfat Palladium sulfate |
Pall-s | Palladium Sulphur |
LegendeCC 92, S.211: ALBIN S

CC 92, S.223: ALBIN S

CC 94, S.153: MORRISON R

CC 94, S.156: CHIPKIN P

CC 94, S.164: MORRISON R

DH 4, S.155 

Die Farbe...(2): Müller, Hugbald Volker 

HomLinks 2/06, S.75: Welte, Ulrich 

HomLinks 2/95: Chhabra, Divya 

mgm M&A I, S.255: Mangialavori, Massimo 

Millstätterseetagung 93: LESIGANG H 

ZKH 2/99, S.53: WEGENER A 

Homoeopathia viva 2/06, S. 19-24: Kittler, Monika Homoeopathia viva 2/06
Fall eines Mannes mit starkem Heuschnupfen und rezidivierenden Sinusitiden. Palladium wirkte auch immer zuverlässig in den folgenden Jahren bei gelegentlichen Magen- und Darminfekten.

Vorträge und Seminare zu Palladium metallicum
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