Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Carcinosinum Brustkrebs Cancer Nosode |
Carc | Hominidae Nosoda |
Carcinosin Foubister, C.Burnett, (Remedia: Carc 58T, 10T, Nelson, squamous pulmonaria Fincke)
all | ||
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Mattitsch, Günter u Haslinger-Prüger, Johanna (Documenta 14)

mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Documenta Homoeopathica, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hom.Medizin, Maudrich Verlag,
Taxonomische Zuordnung
Animalia - Tiere Chordata - Vertebrata - Wirbeltiere Mammalia - Säuger Eutheria - Höhere Säugetiere Primates - Affenartige Hominidae - MenschenaffenCarcinosinum (Carc)
Brustkrebs | Cancer Nosode
Weitere Substanzen in dieser Familie:
Anzahl: 50
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Adenocarcinosinum Halsdrüsenkrebs Carcinosin Neck/Glands |
Carc-ad | Hominidae Nosoda |
Amnii liquor hominis Fruchtwasser Amniotic liquid |
Amn-l | Hominidae |
Calculus renalis Nierenstein Kidney Stone |
Calcul-r | Calcium Hominidae |
Carcinosinum cerebralis /Astrocytomum Hirntumor |
Carc-cer | Hominidae Nosoda |
Carcinosinum Co. |
Carc-Smits | Hominidae Nosoda |
Carcinosinum Glioblastoma multiforme |
Carc-gl-m | Hominidae Nosoda |
Carcinosinum Glioma Malignes Gliom Malignant Glioma |
Carc-gl | Hominidae Nosoda |
Carcinosinum melanomum Melanom |
Carc-mel | Hominidae Nosoda |
Carcinosinum Mexico |
Carc-mex | Hominidae Nosoda |
Carcinosinum oris Mundkrebs Carcinosin Mouth |
Carc-or | Hominidae Nosoda |
Carcinosinum stromae gastri Interstitialtumor des Magens Gastric stromal tumour |
Carc-str-g | Hominidae Nosoda |
Chorda umbilicalis humana Nabelschnur Umbilical cord |
Chord-u | Hominidae |
Choriongonadotropinum humanum Humanes Choriongonadotropin Human chorionic gonadotropin |
Chorio | Hominidae |
Colostrum Kolostrum Colostrum |
Colos | Hominidae |
Dens deciduus hominis Milchzahn baby tooth |
Dens-d | Hominidae |
Epihysterinum Uterustumor Tumor of Uterus |
Epih | Hominidae |
Fibrosarcomum Fibrosarkom Fibrosarcoma |
Carc-fibr | Hominidae Nosoda |
Glandula suprarenalis Nebennierenrinde Suprarenal Gland Cortex |
Supren | Hominidae |
Gorilla gorilla Westlicher Gorilla Western Gorilla |
Gori-g | Hominidae |
Gorillae sanguis Westlicher Gorilla, Blut Western Gorilla´s blood |
Gori-g-sa | Hominidae |
Homo sapiens /Sanguis hominis Menschenblut Human blood |
Homo-s | Hominidae |
Homo sapiens /Sperma hominis Menschensperma Human sperm |
Homo-s-sp | Hominidae |
Insulinum humanum Insulin Insulin |
Insulin | Hominidae Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
Lac humanum Milch einer Frau Human Breast Milk of one Woman |
Lac-h | Hominidae |
Lac maternum Milch mehrerer Frauen Human Breast Milk of Several Women |
Lac-mat | Hominidae |
Lacrimae hominis Tränen Tears |
Lacr-h | Hominidae |
Meconium |
Mec | Hominidae |
Mucosa nasalis Nasenschleimhaut Mucous Membrane of Human Nose |
Mucos-nas | Hominidae |
Oophorinum Ovarialextrakt Ovary Gland |
Ov | Hominidae |
Orchitinum Hodenextrakt Testes Extract |
Orch | Hominidae |
Osteo-arthritische Nosode, O.A.N. arthritische Synovia Osteo-arthritic Nosode |
O-a-n | Hominidae |
Pan troglodytes / Lac panis troglodytis Schimpansenmilch Chimpanzee´s milk |
Lac-p-t | Hominidae |
Pan troglodytes /Panis troglodytis pel Schimpansenhaar Chimpanzee hair |
Pan-t-p | Hominidae |
Pan troglodytes /Panis troglodytis urinum Schimpansenurin Chimpanzee urine |
Pan-t-u | Hominidae |
Papilloma Virus Humani Humanes Papillomavirus Human Papilloma Virus |
HPV | Hominidae Papovaviridae |
Pituitarium anterior Hypophysenvorderlappen Anterior Lobe of Hypophysis |
Pitu-a | Hominidae |
Pituitarium glandula Hypophyse Pituitary Gland |
Pitu-gl | Hominidae |
Pituitarium posterior Hypophysenhinterlappen Posterior Lobe of Hypophysis |
Pitu-p | Hominidae |
Pityriasis simplex capillitii Kopfschuppen Dandruff |
Pity-s-cap | Hominidae Nosoda Texta et Sedes Mammaliae |
Placenta humana Menschenplazenta Human Placenta |
Plac | Hominidae |
Pongo pygmaeus Orang-Utan Orangutan |
Pong-p | Hominidae |
Sanguis menstruationis hominis Menstruationsblut Menstrual Blood |
Sangu-m | Hominidae |
Scirrhinum Szirrhus-Karzinom der Mamma Nosode of Scirrhus Cancer |
Scirr | Hominidae Nosoda |
Semen humanum Menschlicher Samen Human Sperm |
Semen-h | Hominidae |
Sinusitinum Nosode der Nebenhöhlenentzündung Nosode of Sinusitis |
Sinus | Hominidae |
Societas / Pili homini Haare einer Gruppe Menschen hair of a group of people |
Soc-hom | Hominidae |
Thalamus Thalamus Thalamus |
Thala | Hominidae |
Thymi glandulae extractum Thymusdrüse Thymus Gland |
Thym-gl | Hominidae |
Urinum humanum Menschenurin Human Urine |
Urin | Hominidae |
Vernix caseosa Käseschmiere Vernix caseosa |
Vernx | Hominidae |
LegendeAHZ 1/06, S.5: Teut, Michael 

AHZ 1/11, S.16: Saucke, Elsbeth 


AHZ 2/04, S.67: Pichler, Erfried 

AHZ 2/08, S.56: Niehoff, Klaus 

AHZ 2/08, S.62: Gnaiger-Rathmanner, Jutta 

AHZ 3/04, S.125: Shah, Nandita 

AHZ 3/07, S.119: Engelsing, Anja Maria 

AHZ 3/08, S.122: Trost, Thomas 

AHZ 3/08, S.132: Huber, Heinz 

AHZ 4/05, S.117: Schantz, Martin R.M. 

AHZ 4/09, S.19: Gnaiger-Rathmanner, Jutta 

AHZ 4/09, S.6: Sparenborg-Nolte, Anne 

AHZ 4/12, S.19: Besserer, Kai 

AHZ 4/2000, S.139: Tasche, W. 

AHZ 5/04, S.226: Mateu-Ratera, Manuel 

AHZ 5/04, S.227: Mateu-Ratera, Manuel 

AHZ 5/06, S.236: Bleul, Gerhard 

AHZ 5/08, S.224: Sparenborg-Nolte, Anne 

AHZ 5/10, S.23: Sparenborg-Nolte, Anne 

AHZ 6/08, S.285: Hadulla, Michael M. 

AuS 2/2009, S.12: Meisinger, Alexander 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.213: Stolz-Sedemund, Gabriele 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.234: Bitschnau, Michaela 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.237: Bitschnau, Michaela 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.569: Zorzi, Michaela 

CC 93, S.28: BAKER J

CC 94, S.72: CURRIM A

CC 94, S.75: CURRIM A

CC 94, S.82: CURRIM A

CC 94, S.91: CURRIM A

CC 94, S.91: CURRIM A

DH 1, S.243 

DH 11, S.143 

DH 14, S.17+34+45+203 

DH 17, S.133: TAUER H 

DH 17, S.246 

DH 20, S.269: Caballero, Rosario Sanchez 

DH 22, S.157: Lesigang, Helga 

DtJfHp 3/96, S.266: WAGNER A 

ElHom1: Sankaran, P. 

Gudjons aktuell - Glücksfälle, S.14: Manz, Walter 

HiÖ 01/13, S. 21: Pötters, Hedwig 

HiÖ 04/10, S.8: Flachberger, Sonja 

HiÖ 04/12, S. 23: Hildebrandt, Jörg 

HiÖ 1/07, S.28: Perz, Felizitas 

HiÖ 1/07, S.7: Neubauer, Volker 

HiÖ 3/05, S.5: Jansky-Glück, Friederike 

HiÖ 3/11, S.22: Brunnthaler-Tscherteu, Rosemarie 

HomLinks 1/01, S.42: Ramakrishnan 

HomLinks 1/05, S.9: Lalor, Liz 

HomLinks 1/08, S.16: Gillies, Mary 

HomLinks 1/09, S.11: Deacon, Pat 

HomLinks 1/11, S.31: Barvalia, Praful 

HomLinks 1/12, S.45: Loughnan, Margaret 

HomLinks 1/95, S.44: SK 

HomLinks 1/98, S.16: SST 

HomLinks 2/03, S.109: Pitt, Richard 

HomLinks 2/04, S.100: Lalor, Liz 

HomLinks 2/05, S.107: Wichmann, Jörg 

HomLinks 2/05, S.69: Scheepers, Leon 

HomLinks 2/07, S.63: Hatherly, Patricia 

HomLinks 2/08, S.89: Lalor, Liz 

HomLinks 2/11, S.92: Barvalia, Praful 

HomLinks 2/93, S.36: MORTELMANS 

HomLinks 3/07, S.146: Moonen, Resie 

HomLinks 3/11, S.138: Degroote, Filip 

HomLinks 3/11, S.188: Smits, Tinus 

HomLinks 3/98, S.135: STEINER H 

HomLinks 4/01, S.208: Zee, Harry van der 

HomLinks 4/07, S.207: Levanon, Dafna 

HomLinks 4/08, S.183: Lalor, Liz 

HPr V: Geukens, Alfons 

HpZ II/95, S.26: SCHUSTER B 

Tut., S.100: FB 

Tut., S.103: FB 

Tut., S.91: FB 

Tut., S.98: FB 

ZKH 1/03, S.25: Friedrich, Uwe 

ZKH 1/04, S.5: Tost, Katharina 

ZKH 1/05, S.12: Friedrich, Uwe 

ZKH 1/13, S.34: Hadulla, Michael M. 

ZKH 2/10, S.67: Prollius, Annette 

ZKH 2/95, S.79: MOUSSIER F 

ZKH 3/06, S.119: Friedrich, Uwe 

ZKH 3/06, S.120: Friedrich, Uwe 

ZKH 3/06, S.123: Huber, Heinz 

ZKH 3/10, S.117: Abermann, Christoph 

ZKH 3/10, S.140: Abermann, Christoph 

ZKH 3/10, S.142: Abermann, Christoph 

ZKH 3/10/08, S.145: Abermann, Christoph 

ZKH 3/11, S.141: Richter, Olaf 

ZKH 4/08, S.180: Geßner, Beatrix 

ZKH 5/94, S.210: SINGH M 

ZKH S1/05, S.42: Wika, Ewa 

Interhomeopathy 03/2012: Flores, Matilde, direct link to the article in Interhomeopathy 

Homoeopathia viva 1/03, S. 36-39: Post, Carmen Homoeopathia viva 1/03
Fall eines vierjährigen Kindes mit häufigen HNO-Infekten.

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