Plantae -> Magnoliophyta -> Liliopsida / Monocotyledonae -> Liliidae -> Liliales -> Alliaceae -> Allium sativum
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Allium sativum Knoblauch Garlic |
All-s | Alliaceae |
engl.: Poor Man´s Treacle
Helios, Remedia Homöopathie, Gudjons, Freeman´s, Leonardo, DHU, Schmidt-Nagel | ||
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Kleinert, Georg Otto (Bibliograph)

nur Bibliographische Angaben / only Bibliography in: Georg Otto Kleinert – Quellen-Nachweis der physiologischen Arzneiprüfungen, Leipzig 1863. Genaueres siehe: - Quellennachweis Prüfungen.pdf
Allen, T.F. (collector)

This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Hughes, Richard (Editor)

This is part of "A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis" by R.Hughes, 1886-90, which tried to collect all provings done until that date in full text. Hughes was the collector, the proving authors of course were many different ones.
Bradford, T.L. (collector)

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Diez, Susanne

proved remedy was made from a spagyric essence of the plant (HAB 25)
Scholten, Jan

sense proving Scholten
This proving is online available on Jan Scholten´s website Qjure, where you have to register and subscribe, before you are able to read it.
Taxonomische Zuordnung
Plantae - Pflanzen Magnoliophyta - Blütenpflanzen Liliopsida / Monocotyledonae - Einkeimblättrige Liliidae Liliales - Lilienartige Alliaceae - LauchgewächseAllium sativum (All-s)
Knoblauch | Garlic
Weitere Substanzen in dieser Familie:
Anzahl: 9
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Allicinum Allicin Allicin |
Allin | Aliphatic Carbon Compounds Alliaceae |
Allium ampeloprasum Ackerlauch Cultivated Leek |
All-p | Alliaceae |
Allium ampeloprasum sectivum Perlzwiebel Pearl onion |
All-a-s | Alliaceae |
Allium cepa Küchenzwiebel Red Onion |
All-c | Alliaceae |
Allium lusitanicum Berg-Lauch |
All-l | Alliaceae |
Allium schoenoprasum Schnittlauch Chives |
All-sc | Alliaceae |
Allium siculum Sizilianischer Honiglauch |
All-si | Alliaceae |
Allium tuberosum Knoblauch-Schnittlauch Garlic chives |
All-t | Alliaceae |
Allium ursinum Bärlauch Ramsos |
All-u | Alliaceae |
LegendeGötter Zauber und Arznei, S.468: GAWLIK W 

Homoeopathia viva 1/04, S. 34-38: Monika, Kittler Homoeopathia viva 1/04
"In mir hat sich so viel angestaut - ich möchte raus und laufen, rennen" - Fall einer Frau mit Hautausschlägen und intensiven Verlassenheitsängsten.