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This blog talks about interrelations of homeopathy and holistic ways of healing with the world beyond medicine, with spirituality, science and politics. The homeopathic way of thinking and questioning about problems, crises and solutions is extended to encompass more than issues of individual health. During two hundred years of work with crises and suffering we have developed a holistic way of looking at contexts and a specific way of listening, which may prove to be very helpful in collective contexts as well. In a loose series of articles I wish to show this by different current issues. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)). You may distribute and reproduce it in accordance with the license terms.
(Not being a native speaker I apologize for any mistakes and appreciate any kind of amendment.) .
Jörg Wichmann, November 2017
How can we preserve strength, courage and clarity in a situation in which we are not only constantly lied to and misinformed by the political elites and their beneficiaries, but in which everything can be called into doubt because no truth seems to prevail any longer?
Doubt, discord and quarrels are an unbearable burden for a movement. We already have a hard enough time maintaining our critical and committed attitude. Internal destabilization is exactly what we do not need and what plays into the hands of those in power, which is why they are trying to provoke just that.
This article is a contribution to an ongoing argument about the climate and environmental crises that is taking place within the alternative movement.
Read moreThis is the best and most interesting interview I have heard for a long time.
Nothing to do with homeopathy, but on the most important issues we all are facing today.
Recently, the objectivity and trustworthiness of the Cochrane Collaboration has been questioned by a competent authority: Peter C Gøtzsche; Professor, Director of the Nordic Cochrane Centre, MD, DrMedSci, MSc, in a letter dated 14.9.2018, informs that
Read moreWikipedia presents - for all its quality in the scientific field - many topics in a very distorted and ideological way and prevents any corrections. Therefore there is now an alternative: FreeWiki. Please participate !!
Read moreThe annual conference of the pseudo-sceptic organization GWUP sheds an interesting light on the machinations and backgrounds of this fundamentalist group.
Read moreHomeopathy is an ideal form of therapy for a different, sustainable, solidary global culture as it is:
Read moreThis article was written in the wake of Fabian Scheidler’s brillant book “The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilisation”
As a small contribution to his thoughts and because this aspect is not fully covered in Scheidler’s book, I would now like to point out the role that modern medicine is playing in the global crisis and the role, alternative medicine can play.
As therapists we have learnt to always enquire exactly, to ask about the content of every term that is used and to investigate into any seemingly self-evident proposition. Reading about the “power” of the lobbies so many times recently I therefore ask myself, what it actually is about, what kind of “power” we are talking about. We shouldn´t ask the question: Who influences whom? but: What does this influence actually consist of, where does the power of the lobby lie, who administers it, and why are we permit it to exist in the first place?
Read moreIt is considered as self evident by all holistic therapists and doctors that an organism can only be healed in its totality. It is not possible to heal an organ separately as if it wasn´t connected to a body. We use to say that we are not treating diseases but sick persons. But the question arises, which wholeness, which totality we are dealing with? Is the individual being....
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