Adeps lanae
Wollwachs Wool wax |
Ade-la |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Asphalt Asphalt |
Asphalt |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Eupion Wood-tar |
Eupi |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Fuligo ligni
Holzruß Soot |
Fuli |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Verschwefelter Ölschiefer aus Tirol Sulphonated Bitumen |
Ichth |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum Kerosene |
Keroso |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Buchenholzteerdestillat Beechwood Kreosote |
Kreos |
Fagaceae Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Linolum acidum
Linolsäure Linoleic acid |
Linol-ac |
Aliphatic Carbon Compounds Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Oleum animale
Brenzöl Dippel´s Animal Oil |
Ol-an |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Oleum animale foetidum crudum
rohes Tieröl
Ol-ani-f-c |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Oleum Lini
Ol-lini |
Linaceae Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Oleum rosmarini
ätherisches Rosmarinöl
Rosm-ol |
Labiatae/ Lamiaceae Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Oleum thymi
Thymianöl Oil of Thyme |
Thym-ol |
Labiatae/ Lamiaceae Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Steinöl Crude Rock-Oil |
Petr |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum crudum norvegicum
Norwegisches Öl Norvegian Oil |
Petr-n |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum Diesel
Dieselöl Diesel |
Petr-diesel |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum Diesel /Aer petrolii
Dieselabgas Diesel exhaust fumes |
Petr-dies-aer |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum Jet
Kerosin Jet Fuel |
Petr-jet |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum raffinatum
Erdöläther Benzine |
Petrol |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum raffinatum super 95
Superbenzin 95 Benzine 95 |
Petrol-sup-95 |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum raffinatum super 97
Superbenzin Gasoline Super |
Petr-super |
Aliphatic Carbon Compounds Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Petroleum rectificatum
Petroleum aus Erdöl Petroleum from mineral oil |
Petr-rec |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Pix liquida
Nadelholzteer Pine Tar |
Pix |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon Pinaceae
Pix lithantracis
Steinkohlenteer Tar of Hard Coal |
Pix-lit |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Schistus bituminosus
Ölschiefer Oil Shale |
Schis-b |
Lapides Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Bernstein Amber |
Succ |
Mineralia organica Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Tereben Terebene |
Terebe |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon
Terpentin Oil of Turpentine |
Ter |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon Pinaceae
Terebinthina laricina
Lärchenharz Resin of Larch |
Tere-l |
Oils and similar Compounds of Carbon Pinaceae