Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Mel cum sale Honig mit Salz Honey with Salt |
Mel | Apidae |
Remedia Homöopathie, Freeman´s, Helios, Ainsworths, Homeocur | ||
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Taxonomische Zuordnung
Animalia - Tiere Arthropoda - Gliederfüsser Insecta - Insekten Hymenoptera - Hautflügler Apidae - BienenMel cum sale (Mel)
Honig mit Salz | Honey with Salt
Weitere Substanzen in dieser Familie:
Anzahl: 14
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
American foulbrood American foulbrood |
Amer-foul | Apidae Nosoda Paenibacillaceae |
Apis mellifica Honigbiene Honey Bee |
Apis | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / Apis regina Bienenkönigin Queen of bees |
Apis-reg | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / Cera apium Bienenwachs Bee´s wax |
Apis-cera | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / drone Bienendrohe Drone of Bees |
Apis-dr | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / Gelée Royale Gelée Royale Royal Jelly |
Apis-gel | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / Mel apium Honig Honey |
Apis-mel | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / worker Bienenarbeiterin Worker of Bees |
Apis-wo | Apidae |
Apium Virus / Apisinum Bienengift Bee´s Poison |
Apisin | Apidae |
Bombus hortorum Gartenhummel Garden Bumblebee |
Bom-h | Apidae |
Bombus pratorum Wiesenhummel Early Bumblebee |
Bom-p | Apidae |
Bombus sylvarum Waldhummel Wood Bumble Bee |
Bom-s | Apidae |
Cera tecti mellis apium Bienenwabendeckel Honey Cappings |
Apis-ce-mel | Apidae |
Propolis apis mellificae Propolis Bee-glue |
Propo | Apidae |
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