Plantae -> Magnoliophyta -> Magnoliopsida / Dicotyledonae -> Magnoliidae -> Ranunculales -> Ranunculaceae -> Aconitinum
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Aconitinum Aconitin Aconitine |
Aconin | Ranunculaceae |
Alkaloid des Eisenhutes | ||
Helios, Remedia Homöopathie, Freeman´s, Ainsworths | ||
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Kleinert, Georg Otto (Bibliograph)
nur Bibliographische Angaben / only Bibliography in: Georg Otto Kleinert – Quellen-Nachweis der physiologischen Arzneiprüfungen, Leipzig 1863. Genaueres siehe: - Quellennachweis Prüfungen.pdf
Allen, T.F. (collector)
This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Hughes, Richard (Editor)
This is part of "A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis" by R.Hughes, 1886-90, which tried to collect all provings done until that date in full text. Hughes was the collector, the proving authors of course were many different ones.
Bradford, T.L. (collector)
This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Taxonomische Zuordnung
Plantae - Pflanzen Magnoliophyta - Blütenpflanzen Magnoliopsida / Dicotyledonae - Zweikeimblättrige Magnoliidae Ranunculales - Hahnenfußartige Ranunculaceae - HahnenfussgewächseAconitinum (Aconin)
Aconitin | Aconitine
Weitere Substanzen in dieser Familie:
Anzahl: 58
Substanz | Abkürzung | Systematik |
Aconiticum acidum Aconitin-Säure Aconitine acid |
Acon-ac | Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum anthora Gift-Eisenhut Yellow Monkshood |
Acon-an | Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum camarum |
Acon-c | Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum ferox Indian Aconite |
Acon-f | Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum japonicum Japonese Aconite |
Acon-j | Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum lycoctonum Gelber Eisenhut Great Yellow Wolfsbane |
Acon-l | Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum napellus Eisenhut Wolfsbane |
Acon | Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum napellus e radice Eisenhutwurzel Wolfsbane root |
Acon-ra | Ranunculaceae |
Actaea racemosa/ Cimicifuga Trauben-Silberkerze Black Kohosh |
Cimic | Ranunculaceae |
Actaea spicata Ähriges Christophskraut Baneberry |
Act-sp | Ranunculaceae |
Adonidinum Adonidin Adonidin |
Adonin | Ranunculaceae |
Adonis vernalis Adonisröschen Pheasant´s Eye |
Adon | Ranunculaceae |
Anemone nemorosa Buschwindröschen Wood Anemone |
Ane-n | Ranunculaceae |
Anemone ranunculoides Gelbes Windröschen Yellow Wood Anemone |
Ane-r | Ranunculaceae |
Aquilegia bernardii Korsische Akelei Corse Columbine |
Aquil-b | Ranunculaceae |
Aquilegia caerulea Colorado Blue Columbine |
Aquil-c | Ranunculaceae |
Aquilegia vulgaris Akelei Garden Columbine |
Aquil | Ranunculaceae |
Berberinum Berberin Berberine |
Berbin | Berberidaceae Ranunculaceae |
Caltha palustris Sumpfdotterblume Cowslip |
Calth | Ranunculaceae |
Clematis erecta Clematis Upright Virgin´s Bower |
Clem | Ranunculaceae |
Clematis virginiana Devil's darning needles |
Clem-v | Ranunculaceae |
Clematis vitalba Gemeine Waldrebe Old Man´s Beard |
Clem-vit | Ranunculaceae |
Consolida regalis Gewöhnlicher Feldrittersporn Forking Larkspur |
Conso-r | Ranunculaceae |
Coptis chinensis Chinese goldthread |
Copti-ch | Ranunculaceae |
Coptis trifolia Dreiblättriger Goldfaden Threeleaf goldthread |
Copti-t | Ranunculaceae |
Delphininum |
Delphinin | Ranunculaceae |
Delphinium peregrinum Violetter Rittersporn Violet Larkspur |
Delph-p | Ranunculaceae |
Delphinium staphisagria / Staphisagria Stephanskraut Stavesacre |
Staph | Ranunculaceae |
Eranthis hyemalis Winterling Winter Aconite |
Erant-h | Ranunculaceae |
Helleborus foetidus Stinkende Nieswurz Bear´s Foot |
Hell-f | Ranunculaceae |
Helleborus niger Christrose Christmas Rose |
Hell | Ranunculaceae |
Helleborus orientalis |
Hell-o | Ranunculaceae |
Helleborus viridis Grüne Nieswurz Green Hellebore |
Hell-v | Ranunculaceae |
Hepatica triloba Leberblümchen Liver-Wort |
Hepat | Ranunculaceae |
Hydrastinum muriaticum Hydrastinchlorid Muriate of Hydrastine |
Hydrin-m | Ranunculaceae |
Hydrastis canadensis Kanadische Gelbwurz Goldenseal |
Hydr | Ranunculaceae |
Isopyrum thalictroides Wiesenrauten-Muschelblümchen |
Isopy-t | Ranunculaceae |
Macrotinum Macrotin Macrotinum |
Macrin | Ranunculaceae |
Napellinum Napellin Napelline |
Napin | Ranunculaceae |
Nigella damascena Jungfer im Grünen Love-in-a-mist |
Nig-d | Ranunculaceae |
Nigella sativa Schwarzkümmel Black Cumin |
Nig-s | Ranunculaceae |
Pulsatilla alpina apiifolia Gelbe Alpenküchenschelle |
Puls-al | Ranunculaceae |
Pulsatilla grandis Große Kuhschelle Greater Pasque Flower |
Puls-g | Ranunculaceae |
Pulsatilla nuttaliana American Pulsatilla |
Puls-n | Ranunculaceae |
Pulsatilla pratensis Küchenschelle European Pasque Flower |
Puls | Ranunculaceae |
Pulsatilla vulgaris Gewöhnliche Kuhschelle Pasque flower |
Puls-v | Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus acris Scharfer Hahenfuß Goldcup |
Ran-a | Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus bulbosus Knolliger Hahnenfuß Bulbous Buttercup |
Ran-b | Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus ficaria Scharbockskraut Lesser Celandine |
Ran-fi | Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus flammula Brennender Hahnenfuß Lesser spearwort |
Ran-fl | Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus glacialis Gletscher-Hahnenfuß Reindeer Flower |
Ran-g | Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus repens Kriechender Hahnenfuß Creeping Buttercup |
Ran-r | Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus sceleratus Gifthahnenfuß Marsh Buttercup |
Ran-s | Ranunculaceae |
Thymoquinonum Thymoquinon Thymoquinone |
Thymqu | Aliphatic Carbon Compounds Ranunculaceae |
Trautvetteria caroliniensis Falscher Wanzensame False bugbane |
Traut-c | Ranunculaceae |
Trollius chinensis Chinesische Trollblume |
Troll-ch | Ranunculaceae |
Trollius europaeus Europäische Trollblume |
Troll-e | Ranunculaceae |
Xantorrhiza apifolia Shrub Yellow Root |
Xanrhi | Ranunculaceae |
LegendeInterhomeopathy 06/2011: Yui, Torako, direct link to the article in Interhomeopathy