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Verbena officinalis

SubstanCe Abbreviation Systematics
Verbena officinalis
Verbe-o Verbenaceae

dt.: Eisenbart, Katzenblutkraut, Heiligkraut, Sagenkraut, engl.: Peristerian Wort, Holy Wort


Vervain (Bach flower)

Resources  (underlined names are direct links)

Remedia Homöopathie, Freeman´s, Helios, DHU, Ainsworths, Homeocur, Schmidt-Nagel, Zinsser, Arcana

Please take notice of our explanation regarding substances under the heading "Substances Introduction" in the menu on the left side.

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Arzneimittelprüfungen ausblenden provings

Bach, Edward


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no proving, only a description of cases
Bach, Edward


Proving as external link

Publishing year

no proving, only a description of cases

Hide taxonomy Taxonomy

Plantae - Plants Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants Magnoliopsida / Dicotyledonae - Dicots Asteridae Lamiales Verbenaceae
Verbena officinalis (Verbe-o)

More substances of this family:
Count: 19

Aloysia citriodora
Lemon verbena
Aloys-c Verbenaceae
Callicarpa japonica
Japanese Beautyberry
Callic-j Verbenaceae
Callicarpa longifolia
Callic-l Verbenaceae
Citharexylum montevidense
Citha-m Verbenaceae
Cornutia pyramidata
Cornu-p Verbenaceae
Duranta erecta
Golden dewdrop
Duran-r Verbenaceae
Junellia succulentifolia
Junel-s Verbenaceae
Lantana camara
Largeleaf lantana
Lanta-c Verbenaceae
Lippia dulcis
Aztec Sweet Herb
Lip-d Verbenaceae
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Sad Tree
Nyct Verbenaceae
Petrea subserrata
White Petrea
Petre-s Verbenaceae
Phyla nodiflora
Phyla-n Verbenaceae
Stachytarpheta cayennensis
Cayenne snakeweed
Stachy-c Verbenaceae
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Jamaican vervain
Stachy-j Verbenaceae
Verbena bonariensis
Purpletop Vervain
Verbe-b Verbenaceae
Verbena hastata
Blue Vervain
Verbe-h Verbenaceae
Verbena urticifolia
Verbe-u Verbenaceae
Vitex agnus castus/ Agnus castus
Chaste Tree
Agn Verbenaceae
Vitex trifolia
Indian Arnica
Vit Verbenaceae

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