Plantae -> Magnoliophyta -> Liliopsida / Monocotyledonae -> Liliidae -> Liliales -> Melanthiaceae -> Veratrum album
SubstanCe | Abbreviation | Systematics |
Veratrum album White Hellebore |
Verat | Melanthiaceae |
Helleborus a., Melanthium a., engl.: White-flowered Veratrum
all | ||
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Kleinert, Georg Otto (Bibliograph)

nur Bibliographische Angaben / only Bibliography in: Georg Otto Kleinert – Quellen-Nachweis der physiologischen Arzneiprüfungen, Leipzig 1863. Genaueres siehe: - Quellennachweis Prüfungen.pdf
Allen, T.F. (collector)

This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Hughes, Richard (Editor)

This is part of "A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis" by R.Hughes, 1886-90, which tried to collect all provings done until that date in full text. Hughes was the collector, the proving authors of course were many different ones.
Bradford, T.L. (collector)

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Plantae - Plants Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants Liliopsida / Monocotyledonae - Monocots Liliidae Liliales MelanthiaceaeVeratrum album (Verat)
White Hellebore
More substances of this family:
Count: 13
Substance | Abbreviation | Systematics |
Helonias dioica Unicorn-Root |
Helon | Melanthiaceae |
Paris quadrifolia One-berry |
Par | Melanthiaceae |
Schoenocaulon officinale/ Sabadilla Cevadilla |
Sabad | Melanthiaceae |
Trillium cernuum Nodding Trillium |
Tril-c | Melanthiaceae |
Trillium erectum album/ Trillium pendulum Birthroot |
Tril | Melanthiaceae |
Veratrinum alkaloid of Sabadilla |
Verin | Melanthiaceae |
Veratroidia |
Veratoi | Melanthiaceae |
Veratrum nigrum Dark-flowered Veratrum |
Verat-n | Melanthiaceae |
Veratrum oxysepalum |
Verat-o | Melanthiaceae |
Veratrum viride Green Hellebore |
Verat-v | Melanthiaceae |
Viridinum |
Virin | Melanthiaceae |
Xerophyllum asphodeloides Grass-leaved helonias |
Xero-a | Melanthiaceae |
Xerophyllum tenax Basket Grass Flower |
Xero | Melanthiaceae |
explanationAHZ 1/08, S.17: Möllinger, Heribert 

AHZ 1/99, S.3: MICHELS 

AHZ 2/01, S.72: Müller, Hugbald Volker 

AHZ 2/05, S.30: Moonen, Resie 

AHZ 2/10, S.26: Tauer, Heinz 

AHZ 3/06, S.137: Lang, Gerhardus 

AHZ 3/09, S.15: Sparenborg-Nolte, Anne 

AHZ 3/09, S.17: Hartmann, Michael 

AHZ 3/10, S.26: Trebin, Ernst 

AHZ 3/94, S.109: SEILER H 

AHZ 4/03, S.193: Bleul, Gerhard 

AHZ 4/05, S.148: Lang, Gerhardus 

AuS 7/2005, S.19: Payrhuber, Klaus 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.134: Bitschnau, Michaela 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.496: Bullemer, Ute 

DH 10, S.169+214 

DH 15, S.175 


DH 4, S.138+149+156 

Die Farbe...(2): Müller, Hugbald Volker 

Die Farbe...(3), S.316: Müller, Hugbald Volker 

Falldarstellungen ... (Stefanovic, Aleksandar), S.58

Frass-Intensivmedizin, S.320: Bündner, Martin 

Hahnemann, Samuel.: Kleine medizinische Schriften. Haug-Verlag, Heidelberg 1971.I, S.199: H 

HiÖ 2/07, S.47: Schuler, Armin 

HomLinks 1/01, S.13: Vhora, Ranjit 

HomLinks 1/01, S.15: Vhora, Ranjit 

HomLinks 1/04, S.28: Shetye, Prasad S. 

HomLinks 1/95, S.41: DAPTADAR G B 

HomLinks 2/08, S.89: Lalor, Liz 

HomLinks 3/07, S.146: Moonen, Resie 

HomLinks 4/07, S.218: Loukaki, Katerina 

Hp.Sch./ST, S.223: BT(ST) 

ZKH 1/02, S.18: Abermann, Christoph 

ZKH 1/06, S.15: Stahl, Edgar 

ZKH 1/09, S.44: Lucae, Christian 

ZKH 2/07, S.52: Campora, Carlos Nestor 

ZKH 2/08, S.82: Thakar, Munjal 

ZKH 4/94: BAUER E A 

ZKH 6/00, S.251: Pareek, R.S. 

Interhomeopathy 06/2013: Comeau, Lynn, direct link to the article in Interhomeopathy 

Homoeopathia viva 2/07, S. 9-15: Sanzo, Graziella Homoeopathia viva 2/07
Kasuistik einer fünf Jahre alten "Prinzessin" mit Atemwegsproblemen mit starker Schleimbildung und -erbrechen, Reizhusten und häufigen Wutanfällen.

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