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Global Homeopathic Summit

1st - 3rd October 2021



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SubstanCe Abbreviation Systematics
Sapin Caryophyllaceae

dt.: Seifenkraut-Glycosid


Resources  (underlined names are direct links)

Remedia Homöopathie, DHU, Ainsworths

Please take notice of our explanation regarding substances under the heading "Substances Introduction" in the menu on the left side.

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Arzneimittelprüfungen ausblenden provings

Allen, T.F. (collector)


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Publishing year

This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Hughes, Richard (Editor)


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Publishing year

This is part of "A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis" by R.Hughes, 1886-90, which tried to collect all provings done until that date in full text. Hughes was the collector, the proving authors of course were many different ones.
Bradford, T.L. (collector)


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Publishing year

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.

Hide taxonomy Taxonomy

Plantae - Plants Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants Magnoliopsida / Dicotyledonae - Dicots Caryophyllidae Caryophyllales Caryophyllaceae - Pink Family
Saponinum (Sapin)

More substances of this family:
Count: 57

Agrostemma githago
Corn Cockle
Agro Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria grandiflora
Aren-g Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria montana
Mountain Sandwort
Aren-m Caryophyllaceae
Bufonia perennis
Bufon-p Caryophyllaceae
Cerastium boissierianum
Cerast-b Caryophyllaceae
Corrigiola litoralis
Corrig-l Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus alpinus
Alpine Carnations
Dianth-a Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus armeria
Deptford pink
Dianth-ar Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus barbatus
Dianth-b Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus caryophyllus
Dianth-c Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus chinensis
China pink
Dianth-ch Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus imereticus
Dianth-i Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus japonicus
Dianth-j Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus knappii
Dianth-k Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus superbus
Fringed Pink
Dianth-s Caryophyllaceae
Eremogone capillaris
Erem-c Caryophyllaceae
Eremogone dianthoides
Erem-d Caryophyllaceae
Eremogone procera
Erem-p Caryophyllaceae
Gypsophila cerastoides
Chickweed baby's-breath
Gypso-c Caryophyllaceae
Gypsophila pacifica
Gypso-pa Caryophyllaceae
Gypsophila paniculata
Baby's Breath
Gypso-p Caryophyllaceae
Herniaria glabra
Glabrous Rupturewort
Hern-g Caryophyllaceae
Lychnis cognata
Lychn-c Caryophyllaceae
Minuartia circassica
Species of Sandwort
Minu-c Caryophyllaceae
Minuartia imbricata
Minu-i Caryophyllaceae
Paronychia canariensis
Smooth-forked nailwort
Paron-c Caryophyllaceae
Paronychia illecebrum
Sanguinaria of Cuba
Paro-i Caryophyllaceae
Petrorhagia dubia
Hairy pink
Petror-d Caryophyllaceae
Petrorhagia illyrica
Petror-i Caryophyllaceae
Petrorhagia saxifraga
Petror-s Caryophyllaceae
Sagina subulata
Heath Pearlwort
Sagin-s Caryophyllaceae
Saponaria officinalis
Soap Root
Sapo Caryophyllaceae
Saponaria pumilio
Sapo-p Caryophyllaceae
Scleranthus annuus
Scler-a Caryophyllaceae
Silene alba
White Campion
Sile-a Caryophyllaceae
Silene andryalifolia
Sile-an Caryophyllaceae
Silene baccifera
Sile-b Caryophyllaceae
Silene chalcedonica
Flower of Bristol
Sile-c Caryophyllaceae
Silene colorata
Sile-cl Caryophyllaceae
Silene compacta
Sile-cp Caryophyllaceae
Silene coronaria
Bloody William
Sile-co Caryophyllaceae
Silene davidii
Sile-d Caryophyllaceae
Silene dioica
Sile-di Caryophyllaceae
Silene laciniata
Fringed Indian pink
Sile-la Caryophyllaceae
Silene multifida
Fringed campion
Sile-m Caryophyllaceae
Silene pusilla
Sile-p Caryophyllaceae
Silene tomentosa
Gibraltar campion
Sile-t Caryophyllaceae
Silene undulata
African Dream Root
Sile-u Caryophyllaceae
Silene uniflora
Sea campion
Sile-un Caryophyllaceae
Silene viscaria
Sticky catchfly
Sile-vi Caryophyllaceae
Silene vulgaris
Sile-v Caryophyllaceae
Spergularia rubra
Red Sandwort
Sperg-r Caryophyllaceae
Stellaria holostea
Greater stitchwort
Stell-h Caryophyllaceae
Stellaria media
Star Chickweed
Stel Caryophyllaceae
Syzygium aromaticum /Oleum Syzygii
Clove oil
Caryo-ol Caryophyllaceae
Telephium imperati
Tetep-i Caryophyllaceae
Vaccaria hispanica
Vacca-h Caryophyllaceae

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