Mineralia -> Anorganica -> Elementa et Composita -> 8. Ordo secundarius I -> Ferrum -> Ferrum phosphoricum
SubstanCe | Abbreviation | Systematics |
Ferrum phosphoricum Phosphate of Iron |
Ferr-p | Ferrum |
Fe PO4 , dt.: Eisenoxydphosphat, Ferriphosphat, Eisenorthophosphat; engl.: Ferric Phosphate, Ferroso-ferric Phosphate (Clarke)
Surprisingly the identity of this well-known remedy is actually very uncertain. It was introduced by Schuessler, who also named it Ferrum phos album, because it crystallizes colourless in manufacturing and then takes on a bluish colour contacting air. This cannot be FePO4, Iron(III)phosphate, as that is a yellow-brown crystall. Hering gives as formula Fe3 (PO4)2 and Fe PO4, which are two different substances. Whereas Clarke says: "Ferrum phosphoricum [Ferr-p.] Ferrum Phosphoricum Album. Ferric Phosphate. Ferroso - ferric Phosphate. White Phosphate of Iron (Schusslers's). This is said to be a true ferric phosphate Fe2 (PO4)2 as contrasted with the ordinary phosphate of iron, which is a ferrous-hydric phosphate, Fe HPO." Schuesslers Ferr-phos is also given as identical with Vivianit, Fe2+3(PO4)2·8H2O, so a salt of Fe(2+). So the notions are contradictory in themselves. And the manufacturers also seem to be using different substances. According to current information it seems most probable to me, that Ferrum phos after Schuessler is a phosphate of Iron with the valence 2+, so Fe3(PO4)2, whereas the Ferrum phos hydricum declared as different by Clarke, is probably FeHPO4, which he says to be the "ordinary phosphate". The remedy most used in manufacturing, FePO4, would thus be neither of the original remedies.
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Allen, T.F. (collector)

This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Bradford, T.L. (collector)

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Mineralia - Minerals Anorganica - Inorganic Compounds Elementa et Composita - Compounds and Elements 8. Ordo secundarius I - Iron-Group Ferrum - IronFerrum phosphoricum (Ferr-p)
Phosphate of Iron
More substances of this family:
Count: 54
explanationAHZ 1/04, S.14: Hör, Klaus Roman 

AHZ 2/10, S.19: Bleul, Gerhard 

AHZ 4/10, S.23: Bleul, Gerhard 

AHZ 6/01, S.246: Gebhardt, Karl-Heinz 

AHZ 6/02, S.247: Bleul, Gerhard 

AHZ 6/13, S.16: Heid, Klaus 

CC 95, S.80: Sommermann, Eric

HESS, S.587 

HomLinks 1-3,S.58: KIPNIS 

HomLinks 3/10, S.180: Makewell, Ai-Ling Su 

HomLinks 3/94, S.20: ANAND S 

HomLinks 4/08, S.179: Timmerman, Alize 

ZKH 1/09, S.44: Lucae, Christian 

ZKH 5/00, S.195: Bahemann, Alois 

ZKH S1/03, S.22: Schmidt, Pierre 

Spektrum 01/2012, S. 8: Schubert, Christoph, zum Spektrum-Heft 

Spektrum 02/2012: Schubert, Christoph, zum Spektrum-Heft 

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