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Ampelodesmos mauritanicus

SubstanCe Abbreviation Systematics
Ampelodesmos mauritanicus
Mauritania grass
Arund Gramineae/ Poaceae

Arundo mauritanica, Arundo mauretanica, Arundo pliini; Spanisches Rohr, Wasserrohr dt.: Mauretanisches Bartgras, Felsenschilf en.: rope grass, dis grass


often confused with Arundo donax, also offered in pharmacies as the same remedy. Acc. to German Wikipedia: the first description was done 1789 under the name of Arundo mauritanica by Jean Louis Marie Poiret in Voyage en Barbarie, 2, p, 104. The genus of Ampelodesmos was built 1827 by Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link in Hortus Regius Botanicus Berolinensis, Vol. 1, p. 136 . The combination Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Poir.) T.Durand & Schinz was published 1894 by Théophile Alexis Durand and Schinz in Conspectus Florae Africae, 5, p. 874 . More synonyms are: Ampelodesmos bicolor (Poir.) Kunth, Ampelodesmos mauritanica (Poir.) T.Durand & Schinz, Ampelodesmos tenax (Vahl) Link, Ampelodonax bicolor (Poir.) Lojac., Arundo ampelodesmon Cirillo, Arundo bicolor Poir., Arundo festucoides Desf., Arundo mauritanica Poir., Arundo mediterranea Danin, Arundo tenax Vahl.

Resources  (underlined names are direct links)

Helios, Remedia Homöopathie, Gudjons, Leonardo, Freeman´s, Schmidt-Nagel

Please take notice of our explanation regarding substances under the heading "Substances Introduction" in the menu on the left side.

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Arzneimittelprüfungen ausblenden provings

Kleinert, Georg Otto (Bibliograph)


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Publishing year

nur Bibliographische Angaben / only Bibliography in: Georg Otto Kleinert – Quellen-Nachweis der physiologischen Arzneiprüfungen, Leipzig 1863. Genaueres siehe: http://www.homoeopathie-wichmann.de/Kleinert - Quellennachweis Prüfungen.pdf
Allen, T.F. (collector)


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Publishing year

This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Bradford, T.L. (collector)


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Publishing year

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.

Hide taxonomy Taxonomy

Plantae - Plants Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants Liliopsida / Monocotyledonae - Monocots Commelinidae Poales - Grasses Gramineae/ Poaceae - Grass Family
Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Arund)
Mauritania grass

More substances of this family:
Count: 95

Agropyron repens / Triticum repens
Tritic Gramineae/ Poaceae
Agrostis alba
Agros Gramineae/ Poaceae
Agrostis capillaris
Agros-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Agrostis gigantea
Agros-g Gramineae/ Poaceae
Alopecurus pratensis
Meadow Foxtail
Alop-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Ammophila arenaria
European marram grass
Ammop-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Sweet Vernal Grass
Antho Gramineae/ Poaceae
Anthoxanthum odoratum/ Pollen Anthoxanthi
Sweet Vernal Grass Pollen
Antho-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Arrhenatherum elatius
False oat-grass
Arrhe-e Gramineae/ Poaceae
Arundo donax
Giant Cane
Arund-d Gramineae/ Poaceae
Avena sativa
Common Oats
Aven Gramineae/ Poaceae
Avena sativa/ Pollen Avenae
Common Oats Pollen
Aven-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Bambusa arundinacea
Giant Thorney Bamboo
Bamb-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Bouteloua aristidoides
Needle Grama
Bout-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Bouteloua gracilis
Blue grama grass
Bout-g Gramineae/ Poaceae
Brachypodium pinnatum
Heath false brome
Brachyp-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Bromus ramosus
Wild Oat
Bromu Gramineae/ Poaceae
Calamagrostis emodensis
Calam-e Gramineae/ Poaceae
Chrysopogon zizanioides / (Anantherum muricatum)
Anan Gramineae/ Poaceae
Coix lacryma-jobi
Coix-l Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cymbopogon citratus
Cymbo-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cymbopogon citratus/ Oleum citronellae
Citronella oil
Cymbo-c-ol Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cymbopogon martini
Cymbo-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cymbopogon schoenanthus
Camel grass
Cymbo-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cynodon dactylon
Cyn-d Gramineae/ Poaceae
Cynosurus cristatus
Crested dog's-tail
Cynos-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Dactylis glomerata
Cocks Foot
Dactyl-g Gramineae/ Poaceae
Dactylis glomerata /Pollen dactylis
Cocks Foot Pollen
Dactyl-g-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Deschampsia antarctica
Antarctic Hairgrass
Desch-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Deschampsia cespitosa
Tufted hairgrass
Desch-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Eragrostis tef
Abyssinian lovegrass
Erag-t Gramineae/ Poaceae
Farina maydis
Fari-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Festuca flavescens
Festu-f Gramineae/ Poaceae
Festuca pratensis
Meadow fescue
Festu-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Festuca rubra
Red fescue
Festu-r Gramineae/ Poaceae
Gliad Gramineae/ Poaceae
Wheat gluten
Glut Gramineae/ Poaceae
Substantia alia plantae
Helictotrichon planiculme
Gramineae/ Poaceae
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Blue oat grass
Helic-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Hierochloe odorata
Sweet grass
Hieroc-o Gramineae/ Poaceae
Holcus lanatus
Holcu-l Gramineae/ Poaceae
Holcus lanatus /Pollen holci
Yorkshire-fog pollen
Holcu-l-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Hordin Gramineae/ Poaceae
Hordeum vulgare
Hord-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Hordeum vulgare/ Pollen Hordei
Barley Pollen
Hord-v-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Jarava ichu
Peruvian feathergrass
Jara-i Gramineae/ Poaceae
Koeleria pyramidata
Koel-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Koeleria vallesiana
Somerset hair grass
Koel-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lagurus ovatus
Lagur-o Gramineae/ Poaceae
Leymus arenarius
Sand ryegrass
Leym-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lolium multiflorum
Italian rye-grass
Lol-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lolium temulentum
Bearded Darnel
Lol Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lolium temulentum/ Pollen Lolii
Bearded Darnel Pollen
Lol-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Lygeum spartum
Lyge-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Melica uniflora
Wood melick
Melic-u Gramineae/ Poaceae
Miscanthus sinensis
Chinese silver grass
Miscan-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Molinia caerulea
Purple Moor Grass
Molin-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Oryza sativa
Oryz-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Panicum virgatum
Pani-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Panis tritici albi
White bread
Pani-t-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
other industrial products
Pennisetum orientale
Tall Tails
Penni-o Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phaenosperma globosum
Phaen-g Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phalaris arundinacea
Reed canary grass
Phala-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phleum pratense
Timothy grass
Phle Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phleum pratense/ Pollen Phlei
Timothy grass pollen
Phle-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phragmites vulgaris
Common reed
Phragm-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens
Greenwax golden bamboo
Phyllo-v Gramineae/ Poaceae
Poa annua
Annual meadow grass
Poa-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Poa palustris
Poa-pa Gramineae/ Poaceae
Poa pratensis
Kentucky bluegrass
Poa-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Saccharum album /raffinatum sacchari
Sac-alb Gramineae/ Poaceae
other industrial products
Saccharum officinarum
Sac-off Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sasa kurilensis
Kuril bamboo
Sasa-k Gramineae/ Poaceae
Secale cereale
Sec-ce Gramineae/ Poaceae
Secale cereale/ Pollen Secalis
Rye pollen
Sec-ce-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sesleria autumnalis
Sesl-a Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sesleria coerulans
Sesl-c Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sorghum bicolor
Sorgh-b Gramineae/ Poaceae
Spodiopogon sibiricus
Spodi-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Sporobolus heterolepis
Spondo-h Gramineae/ Poaceae
Stipa pennata
European feather grass
Stip-p Gramineae/ Poaceae
Trisetum flavescens
Golden oat grass
Trise-f Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum
Trit-ae Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum/ Cortex grani tritici
Wheat bran
Trit-ae-cg Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum/ Farina alba tritici
White wheat flour
Trit-ae-fa Gramineae/ Poaceae
other industrial products
Triticum aestivum/ Farina tritici
Wheat flour
Trit-ae-f Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum/ Oleum grani tritici
Wheat grain oil
Trit-ae-ol Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum aestivum/ Pollen Tritici
Wheat Pollen
Trit-ae-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum dicoccoides
Wild Emmer Wheat
Trit-d Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum durum
Durum wheat
Trit-du Gramineae/ Poaceae
Triticum spelta
Trit-s Gramineae/ Poaceae
Zea mays pabuli
Fodder Maize
Zea-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Zea mays/ Pollen maydis
Maize Pollen
Zea-m-po Gramineae/ Poaceae
Zea mays/ Stigmata maydis
Zea-m Gramineae/ Poaceae
Zizania palustris
Northern Wild Rice
Ziza-p Gramineae/ Poaceae

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Vorträge und Seminare zu Arundo mauritanica Arzneimitteldarstellungen und Fälle zum Anhören/Anschauen auf CD/MP3-Download/DVD