Mineralia -> Anorganica -> Elementa et Composita -> 5. Ordo principalis -> Arsenicum -> Arsenicum iodatum
SubstanCe | Abbreviation | Systematics |
Arsenicum iodatum Iodide of Arsenic |
Ars-i | Arsenicum |
Helios, Remedia Homöopathie, Gudjons, Freeman´s, Ainsworths, DHU, Schmidt-Nagel | ||
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Allen, T.F. (collector)

This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Bradford, T.L. (collector)

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Mineralia - Minerals Anorganica - Inorganic Compounds Elementa et Composita - Compounds and Elements 5. Ordo principalis - V. Main Group Arsenicum - ArsenicArsenicum iodatum (Ars-i)
Iodide of Arsenic
More substances of this family:
Count: 64
explanationAHZ 2/09, S.5: Teut, Michael 

AHZ 3/07, S.119: Engelsing, Anja Maria 

AHZ 5/06, S.236: Bleul, Gerhard 

CC 90, S.146: KIPNIS S

HomLinks 2/07, S.104: Mohan, G.R. 

ZKH 1/06, S.15: Stahl, Edgar 

ZKH 3/02, S.120: Friedrich, Uwe 

ZKH 3/07, S.112: Radke, Dagmar 

ZKH 6/95, S.238: WEGENER A 

Interhomeopathy 05/2014: Holla, Pavlina, direct link to the article in Interhomeopathy 

Homoeopathia viva 2/15, S. 53+54: Müller, Karl-Josef Homoeopathia viva 2/15
Eine fast 20 Jahre nachbeobachtete Arsenicum-iodatum-Kasuistik einer pingeligen Frau mit panischer Angst vor Krankenhäusern und einem Herzinfarkt bei Herzklopfen sowie Platzangst bei geschlossenen Zimmertüren.

Vorträge und Seminare zu Arsenicum iodatum
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